Speaking and Outreach
One of my favorite things to do is to work with other teachers across the nation to think through and improve their own teaching practices. These opportunities vary from school to school, region to region, and state to state. Some of the places I have spoke and served are listed below. If you are interested in me working with teachers in your school, district, or state, please reach out to me using the contact information at the bottom of this page.
Conway, B., Glassmeyer, D., Hertel, J., Krupa, E. & Kebreab, L. (2025). Ethical use of AI for teaching, research, and service: Where’s the line? Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: Las Vegas, NV.
Conway (2024). Seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly. Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: Rock Eagle, GA.
Byrd, K. & Conway, B. (2024). Using projects to develop statistical reasoning and thinking. Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: Rock Eagle, GA.
Glassmeyer, D., Krupa, E., Early, K., Kebreab, L., Conway, B. & Roscioloi, K. (2024). Emerging technology: Tips for utilizing AI in mathematics education from the AMTE technology committee. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: Orlando, FL.
Strutchens, M., Conway, B., Ratliff, B. & Barlow, L. (2023). Forging partnerships to transform secondary mathematical clinical experiences. Clinical Experiences Research Action Cluster. Virtual Session.
Ruiz, A., Thanheiser, E., Conway, B., & Dalrymple, O. (2023). Bringing social justice to the middle school classroom: From belonging to engaging. TODOS Live. Tempe, AZ.
Conway, B. & Hammonds, K. E. (2023). Utilizing the plan, do, study, act cycle to revise protocols for identifying mathematical teaching practices and standards for mathematical practices with a lens of equity. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: New Orleans, LA.
Raygoza, M., Id-Deen, L., Yeh, C., Thanheiser, E., Zavala, M., Conway, B. & Felton-Koestler, M. (2023). Social justice mathematics in early cildhood through middle school methods courses. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: New Orleans, LA.
Strutchens, M.E., Conway IV, B. Edwards. B., & Grady, M. (February 2023). Supporting equitable clinical experiences via networked improvement communities. Transforming secondary mathematics teacher preparation-focus on recruitment and equity: New Orleans, LA.
Conway, B. & Hammonds, K. E. (2022). Utilizing the plan, do, study, act cycle to revise protocols for identifying mathematical teaching practices and standards for mathematical practices with a lens of equity. Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: Rock Eagle, GA.
Conway, B. & Hammonds, K. E. (2022). Utilizing the plan, do, study, act cycle to revise protocols for identifying mathematical teaching practices and standards for mathematical practices with a lens of equity. Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Oxford, AL.
Conway, B., Yeh, C., Thanheiser, E., & Ruiz, A. (2022). Bringing social justice to the mathematics classroom:
From student questions to taking action. National Conference of Teachers of Mathematics: Los Angeles, CA. **Invited Pre-Conference All Day Session
Strutchens, M.E., & Conway IV, B. (June 2022). The Clinical Experience Research Action Cluster: The NIC model in action. Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership 2.0 Virtual Annual Meeting.
Yow, J., Edwards, B., Grady, M., Ratliff, B., Barlow, L., Conway IV, B., & Strutchens, M. (May 2022). Recruiting, Engaging, Valuing, and Supporting Mentor Teachers. Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership NIC Cast (Zoom Meeting).
Conway, B. (2022). Empowering students for financial wellbeing. Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Oxford, AL.
Conway, B. (2022). Empowering students for financial wellbeing. Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Rock Eagle, GA.
Conway, B. & Hammonds, K. E. (2022). Utilizing the plan, do, study, act cycle to revise protocols for identifying mathematical teaching practices and standards for mathematical practices with a lens of equity. National Research Conference of Teachers of Mathematics: Los Angeles, CA.
Conway, B., Smith, I., Holte, S., & Wilkerson, T. (2022). The role of media literacy in supporting student understanding and critiquing the world through mathematics. The National Association for Media Literacy Education. Virtual. *Invited Speaker
Strutchens, M. & Conway, B. (2022). The clinical experience research action cluster: The NIC model in action. Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference. Virtual.
Wieman, R., Perry, J., Leatham, Conway, B., Strutchens, M., & Liebars, C. (2022). Practice-Based experiences for prospective teachers. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: Las Vegas, Nevada.
AMTE Professional Development Committee & Conway, B. (2022). I am new to mathematics teacher education: Supports around teaching, scholarship, and service. Round table facilitator. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: Las Vegas, Nevada.
Lawler, B. & Conway, B. (2021). Teaching For Justice and Equity. Delaware Math Coalition: Dover, DE. *Invited Speaker
Conway, B. & Lilly-Seamon, K. (2021). A Framework for Teaching for Social Justice. Columbus State University Creativity and Innovation Forum: Columbus, GA.
Conway, B. (2021). Teaching for Social Justice. Auburn University: Auburn, AL. *Invited Speaker
Berry, R., Conway, B., Lawler, B., & Staley, J. (2021). Bringing Social Justice to the Mathematics Classroom: From Student Questions to Taking Action. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Conference: Atlanta, GA. *Invited Pre-Conference Speaker **Event Canceled 8/17/2021
Conway, B., Lawler, B., & Staley, J. (2021). Bringing Social Justice to Your Classroom. Appleby College: Toronto, Canada. *Invited Speaker
Yeh, C., Ellis, M., Berry, R., Conway, B., Lawler, B., & Staley, J. (2021). Simple? Easy? Practical? Routines for inclusiveness in the classroom. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Conference: Atlanta, GA. *Invited Author Panel Participant **Event Canceled 8/17/2021
Conway, B., Staley, J. & Lawler, B. (2021). Teaching for Social Justice. East Carolina University: Greenville, NC. *Invited Speaker
Conway, B. & Lawler, B. (2021). Teaching for Social Justice. Kennesaw State University: Atlanta, GA. *Invited Speaker
Conway, B. (2021). Seek Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Virtual Conference: Reston, VA. *Invited Speaker
Conway, B., Staley, J., Lawler, B., & Berry, R. (2021). Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Virtual Conference: Reston, VA. *Invited Speaker
Berry, R., Conway, B., Lawler, B., & Staley, J. (2020). Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice. Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. Virtual Conference. *Invited Keynote Speaker
Berry, R., Staley, J., Conway, B., & Lawler, B. (2020). Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice. NCTM’s 2020 Virtual Leadership Conference: Reston, VA. *Invited Speaker.
Berry, R., Staley, J., Conway, B., & Lawler, B. (2020). Leadership, Social Justice, & Mathematics: Making Sense and moving Forward with Action. NCTM’s 2020 Virtual Leadership Conference: Reston, VA. *Invited Speaker.
Berry, R. Conway, B., Lawler, B., & Staley, J. (2020, August). Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice. Teacher Math Teaching Podcast. AMTE: Orlando, FL. Retrieved from https://www.teachingmathteachingpodcast.com/. *Invited Speaker.
Conway, B. (2020, June). High school mathematics lessons to explore, understand, and respond to social injustice. TODOS: Mathematics for ALL Excellence and Equity in Mathematics. Activating Agency for Student Access, Engagement and Advancement in Mathematics: Scottsdale, AZ. Conference canceled.
Conway, B. & Staley, J. (2020, July). High school mathematics lessons to explore, understand, and respond to social injustice. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching: Fort Worth, TX. *Invited Keynote Speaker, https://camtonline.org/key-note-speakers-4/
Staley, J. & Conway, B. (2020, April). Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference; Chicago, IL. Conference canceled.
Conway, B. (2020, February). Improving Clinical Experiences through the Paired Placement Model. Columbus Advisory Board Meeting: Columbus, GA.
Strutchens, M., Zelkowski, J., Sears, R., Conway, B., & Mangram, C. (2020, February). Collaborating to Improve Clinical Experiences for Secondary Mathematics Teacher Candidates at Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: Phoenix, AZ.
Strutchens, M. Sears, R., Gobstein, H., Martin, W., Sutton, J., Zelkowski, J., Conway, B., Mangram, C. (2020, January). Collaborative research: Attaining excellence in secondary mathematics clinical experiences with a lens on equity. Joint Mathematics Meeting: Denver, CO.
Conway, B. (2019, November). Developing Conceptual Understanding of Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient. Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics; Birmingham, AL.
Conway, B. & Anderson, P., (2019, October). Invited talk, Making and Take: Correlation versus Causation in the Middle Grades, Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Rock Eagle, GA.
Conway, B. (2019, October). Sharing and Building Resources to Equip and Empower Mathematics Teacher Educators Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (GAMTE) Annual Conference; Rock Eagle, GA.
Conway, B. (2019, September, invited). Resources to Develop Equitable Teaching Practices. Co-Planning and Co-Teaching; University of South Florida: Orlando, FL.
Conway, B. & Stone, J. (2019, June). Sharing and Building Resources to Equip and Empower Mathematics Teacher Educators. Proceedings at the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference; St. Louis, MO.
Mangram, C., Conway, B., Strutchens, M. Ellis, R., & Erickson, D. (2019, June). Paired-Placement Internships: Clinical Teaching Becomes A Collaborative and Empowering Model for Ongoing Professional Development. Proceedings at the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference; St. Louis, MO.
Conway, B. (2019, April). An Opportunity that Changed a Life. Presentation conducted at The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference; San Diego, CA.
Conway, B. & Peker, D. (2019, February). Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Literacy. Presentation conducted at The Georgia Science Teacher Association Annual Conference; Columbus, GA.
Conway, B. (2018, November). Incorporating Teaching for Social Justice. Presentation conducted at The Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference; Birmingham, AL.
Conway, B. & Lawler, B. (2018, October). Incorporating Teaching for Social Justice. Presentation conducted at The Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference; Rock Eagle, GA.
Conway, B. (2018, August). Forming a Focus around Social Justice in your Classroom. Poster presented at Welcome Week: Creativity and Innovation Forum; Columbus State University, GA.
Conway, B., Norris, P., Matin, M., & Hall, R. (2018, July). Panel of Teachers. Invited Panelist to PMLC Culminating Event: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices and Policies Including a Reunion of Past TEAM-Math Leaders, Presenters, and Participants. Lee County Board of Education; Opelika, AL.
Strutchens, M., Whitfield J., Conway, B. Erickson, D., Parrish, C., & Ellis, R. (2018, June). Paired-Placement: A Collaborative & Empowering Model for Clinical Teaching. Presentation conducted at The Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference; Denver, CO.
Conway, B. (2018, March). Connecting Statistics and Mathematics by Understanding Variation. Presentation at the Woodrow Wilson STEM Outreach; Columbus State University, GA.
Conway, B. (2017, October). Developing Statistical Reasoning. Presentation conducted at The Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference; Rock Eagle, GA.
Conway, B., Erikson, D., Parish, C., Strutchens, S., & Whitfield, J. (2017, October). An Alternative Approach to the Traditional Internship. Paper presented at Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators; Rock Eagle, GA.
Conway, B. (2017, April). Using NCTM's Core Math Tools to Deepen Mathematical Connections in Statistics and Functions. Presentation conducted at The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference; San Antonio, TX.
Whitfield, J., Strutchens, M., Erickson, D., Conway, B., & Parrish, C. (2017, April). The Paired Internship Model Presentation presented at The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics Annual Research Conference; San Antonio, TX.
Conway. B (2016, November). Differentiating Instruction through Open Tasks. Presentation conducted at The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics first annual Innov8 Conference; St. Louis, MO.
Conway, B. (2016, October). Providing Opportunity to Underrepresented Populations to Take Advanced Mathematics. Presentation conducted at the Alonzo A. Crim Center for Urban Educational Excellence, 11th Annual Sources of Urban Educational Excellence Conference; Atlanta, GA.
Conway, B. (2016, February). 2016 Deep Dive: Geometry Standards in the Common Core. Presentation conducted at Hover City Schools; Birmingham, AL.
Conway, B. (2015, November). Providing Opportunities for Advancement in Mathematics. Presentation conducted at The Alabama Council for Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference; Birmingham, AL.
Conway, B. (2015, November). Eliminating Tracking from the Top Down. Presentation conducted at The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference; Minneapolis, MN.
I am happy to setup a virtual meeting with you or work virtually with you, your teachers, your PLC, your district, etc.